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Business Card Forum
​     This site is NOT affiliated with the Philadelphia Flyers or the National Hockey League. The views and opinions of this site are strictly ours and no one else. Content of this site is checked for accuracy, but not flawless. Please double check any information regarding schedules, etc. Please report any inaccuracies to webmaster@flyers.com.​
     Anyone can advertise on this page by submitting a business card and $3 ($4 via paypal).  Your submission must be in by the last Friday of the month and goes to the end of the month.  You must submit every month, your position on the page is not guaranteed.  
Rules:  We can deny your card for any reason.  Cards marketing adult entertainment, massage parlors and the like are not welcome.  We reserve the right to refuse any one, for any reason we see fit.  Interested parties should email "ads@Flyers.com".
    Disclaimer:   We accept no liability from any transaction or interaction with the vendors that advertise on this page.  Our relationship is strictly one of marketing.  Consider checking any vendor's reputation before purchasing from them thru the Better Business Bureau, Yelp, and so on.  Please do not contact us regarding any issue or interaction you may have had with them.